Tips To Help You Save Your Back
Whether you are lifting up a sofa or picking up a pencil off the floor, properly form can make a difference between going about your day and ending up on the floor in pain. Back pain can come from a number of different sources, from straining your muscles, spraining your joints to injuring your discs.
Up to 80% of us will have had some back pain in our lives. If you look around, 1 in 10 of your friends will likely be dealing with some back pain right now.
Contact us to schedule an obligation free complimentary back pain consultation session with your physiotherapist or chiropractor. Your healthcare practitioner can help you manage any pain your are having in your back and help you lift with proper form and technique.
- Warm up before lifting
- Always stand directly in front of the object you will be lifting, and not off to the side
- Use these tips to keep your back happy and lift the right way
Download Tips On Lifting Properly
Do You Have Back Pain When You..
- Get in or out of your car
- Get out of bed in the morning
- Get up from sitting down
- Pick up a box
- Put on your pants or socks
- Tie your shoes
Patient Reviews

My daughter suffered a serious back injury which prevented her from training… Within a couple of months of treatment she was able to return to train and compete stronger than ever. I recommend Cedar to all injured athletes.
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Amazing customer service, helpful and friendly. My back was fixed within 6 sessions!
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