Fascial Stretch Therapy, FST

Improve your whole-body mobility

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Fascial Stretching

Tissue Connections
Body Networks
Fascial stretch therapy (FST) is a form of passive, assisted stretching. This means that your stretches are done with the help of your healthcare practitioner.

Your therapist will have a deep understanding of the connections between your muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments that are surrounded by functional fascial “nets”. One of the goals of FST is to improve your overall mobility


Regain Mobility

Increase Flexibility

Whole Body Stretch

Definition Of “Fascia”


“Fascia” is the connective fibre that connects your various tissues and forms networks within your body. Your fascia binds and holds your cells together. Like an orange when you cut it open, you can see the network of different fibers and layers that form various compartments of an orange. These networks work together to create complex movements that are linked to each other and are more efficient.


According to Thomas Myer’s anatomy train model, you have 7 fascial lines that run throughout your body:

  1. Arm lines
  2. Deep front line
  3. Functional lines
  4. Lateral line
  5. Spiral line
  6. Superficial back line
  7. Superficial front line

One or more of these lines are engaged during many of your daily activities such as reaching, throwing a ball, getting in and out of a car or doing yoga poses. For example, when you do a triangle pose or seated twist in yoga, the upper portion of the spiral line is activated on one side while the other side is also active as it acts as a counter balance.

Get Help On Improving Your Mobility

Tight muscles or stiff joints that you have trouble loosening on your own? Fascial stretch therapy may be an effective option for you to help unstuck those joints and loosen your tense muscles.

To find out if FST is right for you, speak with your physiotherapist today and they can help guide you on the best approach to help you get moving again

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fascial stretch therapy in burnaby

Reasons To Stretch Your Fascia

As your fascia connects and binds to other tissues, there are multiple layers that are formed. Fascia can get stuck in the layers for various reasons such as due to scar tissue from an old injury, past surgeries, sprains and strains or simply from repetitive movements of daily living. When your fascia gets stuck, this can partially restrict the mobility of a line or the entire line as well.

Stuck fascia can result in reduced mobility and restrictions in the affected joints, ligaments and muscles. This can feel like having a tight joints or muscles. Often times, this could even lead to pain when the involved fascial chain is activated.

For example, reaching above your head level for the cupboard because the restriction is tugging on the surrounding pain producing nerves. This type of limitation does not respond well with typical stretching but will loosen up when the restricted fascial chain is stretched and released

Fascial Stretch Therapy Practitioners

Fascial stretching is a concept that has been around for many decades under different names. Pilates and yoga are two exercise systems that often include some form of fascial stretch therapy. There are also many schools that have focused training programs on fascial stretch therapy.


To perform fascial stretch therapy effectively, your practitioner should have a thorough understanding of anatomy and anatomy trains and how they apply to functional movement. Your therapist also needs to be able to find the elements that are stuck or anchored down. They can then focus on releasing this stuck points then reconnect it to the rest of your fascial network.

Think of connecting all the dots in a puzzle. By doing so will allow for the smooth, dynamic flow of movements in your body. Physiotherapists, certified pilates and yoga instructors and other practitioners trained in the Thomas Myers anatomy trains model are all qualified therapists who can perform FST

fascial stretch therapy near me

Benefits Of Fascial Stretching

  • Balance muscle tension and tone
  • Better posture
  • Deeper resting state and sleep
  • Ease pain caused by fascial restriction
  • Enhance performance
  • Improve circulation
  • Increase range of motion and flexibility
  • Reduce risk of injury
  • Rehydrate your joint space
  • Reposition and realign fascial tissue and fascial nets
  • Strengthen muscular contraction and relaxation

Improving the sliding and gliding motions of your fascial system can increase how efficient your body moves and functions. This can help enhance your overall energy level, health and well being

Patients that may benefit from fascial stretch therapy

FST can provide benefit for anyone that wants to improve their ease of mobility. This can include simply taking care of yourself, enjoying your recreational activities or competing in more advanced athletic activities. More freedom of movement can help you achieve these goals

FST while pregnant

Fascial stretching is in some ways similar to traditional stretching. It does tend to be a more whole body approach as it involves the different anatomy trains throughout your body. As long as you are not confined to bedrest, in most cases you should be able to do FST. It may still be best to first consult with your family physician or obstetrician before starting.

Other conditions FST may help

Many conditions can be helped with fascial stretching, including:

  • Lack of flexibility
  • Poor coordination
  • Sprains or strains

If there is pain with a specific movement or a performance issue, you may benefit form fascial stretching.

Your First Fascial Stretch Therapy Visit

Your first appointment can be done with your physiotherapist. They will help you identify the fascial lines that are being affected. Your physiotherapist will then review the treatment plan with you. Depending on your individual needs, your physio will perform the fascial stretch therapy or it may be delegated to one of your physiotherapy assistants. Your physiotherapy assistants are certified in pilates and often have training in the Thomas Myers anatomy train model.

Fascial or assisted stretching focuses on connecting your physical body with your nervous system. It is important that your stretch sessions do not produce any pain.

What to wear

It is best to wear loose, comfortable clothing that can allow a lot of movement. Clothing such as T-shirts, tank tops, sweat pants and leggings are all great options

Fascial Stretch Therapy Vs Regular Stretching Or Massage

Fascial stretch therapy is different from traditional stretching and massage because it focuses on the fascial networks and their connected stations. FST targets these groupings to ease tension, realign your body and improve function.

This is different that regular stretching which tends to focus on one muscle or muscle group at a time. With FST, you typically will stretch more than one muscle group with each stretch. Patients often report feeling the stretch extending from their head all the way down to their toes, and throughout their body.

FST and insurance

This is a specialized area of treatment done with your physiotherapist or physiotherapy assistant. It is usually considered a part of your physiotherapy treatment. Most insurance plans provide coverage for physiotherapy. You can consult with your heath insurance provider to confirm coverage details.

burnaby fascial stretching

Fascial Stretching At Home

When you first start, you will need some help in identifying which nets may be involved and what is the best approach to loosen it up. Your physiotherapist along with your physiotherapy assistant will be able to help you.

Once you have achieved a specific outcome, you may be taught specific fascial stretches to complement your therapy sessions. This combination of assisted stretching and self mobilization at home can greatly enhance your therapy results

Patient Review

fascial stretch physiotherapy Maximilien

I was able to recover from a severe ankle sprain and regain flexibility. They offer great service, would recommend anytime!

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Frequently Asked Questions About Fascial Stretch Therapy In Burnaby

What does fascial stretch therapy do?

Fascial stretch therapy helps restore proper movement and function to the various soft tissue structures in your body.

This can be to unstuck stiff joints and length tight, tense muscles

What are symptoms of tight fascia?

If you are noticing stiffness in your muscles, joints or even overall throughout your body, you may have tight fascia

What are benefits of fascial stretch therapy?

The most common benefits of fascial stretch therapy are improved mobility and flexibility.

Other benefits may include easier, more fluid movement and better posture

Get Help On Improving Your Mobility

Tight muscles or stiff joints that you have trouble loosening on your own? Fascial stretch therapy may be an effective option for you to help unstuck those joints and loosen your tense muscles.

To find out if FST is right for you, speak with your physiotherapist today and they can help guide you on the best approach to help you get moving again

Click To Phone 604-738-1168

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physiotherapy and fascial stretch therapy burnaby