Visit, up to 30min: 100
Visit, up to 45min: 145
Visit, up to 60min: 190
MSP Supplementary Benefits
Visit, up to 30min: 65
Approved claims: no fee
WorkSafeBC **
Approved claims: no fee
Initial Visit: 100
Subsequent Visit: 65
MSP Supplementary Benefits
Initial Visit: 75
Subsequent Visit: 40
Approved claims: no fee
Approved claims: no fee
Private Pilates
Introduction to Pilates, up to 50min: 60 + GST ***
1 visit, up to 50min: 90 + GST
3 visits, up to 50min: 260 + GST
5 visits, up to 50min: 425 + GST
10 visits, up to 50min: 800 + GST
Visit, up to 50min: 100 + GST
Approved claims: no fee for active rehab visits
Initial Visit: 120
Subsequent Visit: 105
WorkSafeBC **
Approved claims: no fee
If it has been more than 12 weeks since the date of your accident, regular visit rates may apply. Once we confirm your claim coverage, we can then reimburse your fees. In addition, any fees that are not reimbursed by ICBC may be sent to your insurance company to seek reimbursement
** WorkSafeBC Claims
In order to bill WorkSafeBC directly for your visits, your claim will need to be at least pending at the time of your initial visit. If your date of injury was longer than 2 months before your initial visit, regular visit rates may apply. Once we confirm your claim coverage, we can then reimburse your fees
*** Intro to Pilates
Only for new clients to private pilates
CancellationsFor all appointments, we require at least 24 hours notice for any changes otherwise the full visit fee may be charged
Direct Billing, Extended Health Benefits
Most Extended Health Plans provide coverage for chiropractic care and physiotherapy. After your visit you will receive a receipt which you can submit for reimbursement in most cases. Check with your insurance provider or HR department for more information